Chow, F.K., De Wekker, S.F.J., and B. Snyder (eds). 2013. Mountain Weather Research and Forecasting: Recent Progress and Current Challenges, Springer, Berlin. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4098-3
BOOK CHAPTERS (selected)
Zhong, S. and F.K. Chow. 2013. Meso- and fine-scale modeling over complex terrain: parameterizations and applications. In Mountain Weather Research and Forecasting, Eds. F. K. Chow, S. F. J. De Wekker, B. Snyder, 591-653. Berlin: Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-94-007-4098-3_10
Lundquist, K.A. and F.K. Chow. 2012. Flow over complex terrain, numerical modeling of. In Encyclopedia of Environmetrics Second Edition, Eds. El-Shaarawi, A.H. and W.W. Piegorsch. John Wiley and Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK, pp. 1054-1063. DOI: 10.1002/9780470057339.vnn120
Efstathiou, G., Plant, R., and F.K. Chow. 2024. Grey-zone simulations of shallow-to-deep convection transition using dynamic subgrid-scale turbulence models. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society,
Chen, B., Thompson, T., and F.K. Chow. 2024. Hyper-local source strength retrieval and apportionment of black carbon in an urban area. Atmospheric Environment X, 22, 100252.
Wiersema, D.J., Lundquist, K.A., Mirocha, J.D., and F.K. Chow. 2022. Evaluation of turbulence within a multiscale atmospheric model over complex urban terrain. Monthly Weather Review, 150(12), 3195–3209. DOI: 10.1175/MWR-D-22-0056.1
Rivera-Arreba, I., Wise, A.S., Hermile, M., Chow, F.K., and E.E. Bachynski-Polić. 2022. Effects of atmospheric stability on the structural response of a 12MW semisubmersible floating wind turbine. Wind Energy, 1-22.
Chow, F.K., Yu, K.A., Young, A., James, E., Grell, G., Csiszar, I., Tsidulko, M., Freitas, S., Pereira, G., Giglio, L., Friberg, M.D. and R. Ahmadov. 2022. High-resolution smoke forecasting for the 2018 Camp Fire in California. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 103(6), E1531–E1552.
Wise, A.S., Neher, J.M., Arthur, R.S., Mirocha, J.D., Lundquist, J.K., and F.K. Chow. 2022. Meso- to micro-scale modeling of atmospheric stability effects on wind turbine wake behavior in complex terrain. Wind Energy Science 7, 367–386.
Delkash, M., Chow, F.K., and P.T. Imhoff. 2022. Diurnal landfill methane flux patterns across different seasons at a landfill in Southeastern US. Waste Management 144(5), 76-86.
Haydon, B., Cole, J., Dunn, L., Keyantuo, P., Chow, F.K., Moura, S., and C. Vermillion. 2022. Generalized empirical regret bounds for control of renewable energy systems in spatiotemporally varying environments. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 144(4), 044501, 8 pages.
Simon, J.S. and F.K. Chow. 2021. Alternative anisotropic formulations for eddy-viscosity models in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Boundary Layer Meteorology 181, 11–37.
Connolly, A., van Veen, L., Neher, J.M., Geurts, B.J., Mirocha, J., and F.K. Chow. 2021. Efficacy of the cell perturbation method in large-eddy simulations of boundary layer flow over complex terrain. Atmosphere 12(1), 55,1-28.
Connolly, A. Chow, F.K., and S.W. Hoch. 2021. Nested large-eddy simulations of the displacement of a cold-air pool by lee vortices. Boundary Layer Meteorology 178, 91–118.
Arthur, R.S., Mirocha, J.D., Marjanovic, N., Hirth, B.D., Schroeder, J.L., Wharton, S. and F.K. Chow. 2020. Multi-scale simulation of wind farm performance during a frontal passage. Atmosphere 11(1), 245, 1-17.
Arthur, R.S., Lundquist, K.A., Bao, J., Wiersema, D.J., and F.K. Chow. 2020. Evaluating implementations of the immersed boundary method in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Monthly Weather Review 148(5), 2087-2109.
Wiersema, D.J., Lundquist, K.A. and F.K. Chow. 2020. Mesoscale to microscale simulations over complex terrain with the immersed boundary method in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Monthly Weather Review 148(2), 577–595.
Dunn, L., Vermillion, C., Chow, F.K., Moura, S. 2019. On wind speed sensor configurations and altitude control in airborne wind energy systems. American Control Conference. arXiv:2001.07591v1 [peer reviewed]
Shi, X., Enriquez, R.M., Street, R.L., Bryan, G.H. and F.K. Chow. 2019. An implicit algebraic turbulence closure scheme for atmospheric boundary layer simulation. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 76(11), 3367-3386.
Chow, F.K., Schär, C., Ban, N., Lundquist, K.A., Schlemmer, L. and X. Shi. 2019. Crossing multiple gray zones in the transition from mesoscale to microscale simulation over complex terrain. Atmosphere 10(5), 274, 1-38, DOI 10.3390/atmos10050274.
Simon, J.S., Zhou, B., Mirocha, J.D., and F.K. Chow. 2019. Explicit filtering and reconstruction to reduce grid dependence in convective boundary layer simulations using WRF-LES. Monthly Weather Review 147(5), 1805-1821, DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-18-0205.1.
Shi, X., Chow, F.K., Street, R.L., and G.H. Bryan. 2019. Key elements of turbulence closures for simulating deep convection at kilometer-scale resolution. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11, 818-838, DOI 10.1029/2018MS001446.
Fernando, H.J., Mann, J., Palma, J., Lundquist, J.K., Barthelmie, R., Pereira, M., Brown, W.O.J., Chow, F.K., and 40 more Coauthors. 2019. The Perdigão: Peering into microscale details of mountain winds. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100(5), 799-819, DOI 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0227.1.
Arthur, R.S., Lundquist, K.A., Mirocha, J.D., and F.K. Chow. 2018. Topographic effects on radiation in the WRF model with the immersed boundary method: implementation, validation, and application to complex terrain. Monthly Weather Review 146(10), 3277-3292, DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-18-0108.1.
Bao, J., Chow, F.K., and K.A. Lundquist. 2018. Large-eddy simulation over complex terrain using an improved immersed boundary method in the Weather Research and Forecasting model, Monthly Weather Review 146(9), 2781-2797, DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-18-0067.1.
Shi, X., Chow, F.K., Street, R.L., and G.H. Bryan. 2018. An evaluation of LES turbulence models for scalar mixing in the stratocumulus-capped boundary layer. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75(5), 1499-1507, DOI 10.1175/JAS-D-17-0392.1.
Shi, X., Hagen, H., Chow, F.K., Bryan, G.H., and R.L. Street. 2018. Large-eddy simulation of the stratocumulus-capped boundary layer with explicit filtering and reconstruction turbulence modeling. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 75(2), 611-637, DOI 10.1175/JAS-D-17-0162.1.
Taylor, D., Chow, F.K., Delkash, M., and P.T. Imhoff. 2018. Atmospheric modeling to assess wind dependence in tracer dilution method measurements of landfill methane emissions. Waste Management 73(3), 197-209, DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2017.10.036.
Marjanovic, N., Mirocha, J.D., Kosovic, B., Lundquist, J.K. and F.K. Chow. 2017. Implementation of a generalized actuator line model for wind turbine parameterization in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 9 063308 (28 pages), DOI 10.1063/1.4989443.
Daniels, M.H., Lundquist, K.A., Mirocha, J.D., Wiersema, J.D. and F. K. Chow. 2016. A new vertical grid nesting capability in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Monthly Weather Review 144(10), 3725-3747, DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-16-0049.1.
Taylor, D., Delkash, M., Imhoff, P.T., and F.K. Chow. 2016. Numerical simulations to assess the tracer dilution method for measurement of landfill methane emissions. Waste Management 56(10), 298-309, DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2016.06.040.
Delkash, M., Zhou, B., Han, B., Imhoff, P.T., Chow, F.K., and C.W. Rella. 2016. Short-term landfill methane emissions dependency on wind. Waste Management 55(9), 288-298, DOI 10.1016/j.wasman.2016.02.009.
Goodfriend, E., Chow, F.K., Vanella, M. and E. Balaras. 2016. Large-eddy simulation of flow through an array of cubes with local grid refinement. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 159, 285-303, DOI 10.1007/s10546-016-0128-y.
Fernando, H.J., Pardyjak, E.R., Di Sabatino, S., Chow, F.K. and 45 other authors. 2015. The MATERHORN – Unraveling the Intricacies of Mountain Weather, Bulletin of the Atmospheric Sciences 96(11), 1945-1967, DOI 10.1175/BAMS-D-13-00131.1.
Rihani, J.F., Chow, F.K., and R.M., Maxwell. 2015. Isolating effects of terrain and soil moisture heterogeneity on the atmospheric boundary layer: idealized simulations to diagnose land-atmosphere feedbacks. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 7(2). DOI 10.1002/2014MS000371.
Goodfriend, L., Chow, F.K., Vanella, M. and E. Balaras. 2015. Improving large-eddy simulation of neutral boundary layer flow across grid interfaces. Monthly Weather Review 143(8), DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-14-00392.1.
Marjanovic, N., Wharton, S. and F.K. Chow. 2014. Investigation of model parameters for high-resolution wind energy forecasting: case studies over simple and complex terrain. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 134(11), 10-24. DOI 10.1016/j.jweia.2014.08.007
Zhou, B., Simon, J. and F.K. Chow. 2014. The convective boundary layer in the Terra Incognita. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 71(7), 2545-2563. DOI 10.1175/JAS-D-13-0356.1
Zhou, B. and F.K. Chow. 2014. Nested large-eddy simulations of the intermittently turbulent stable atmospheric boundary layer over real terrain. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 71(3), 1021-1039. DOI 10.1175/JAS-D-13-0168.1
Goodfriend, L., Chow, F.K., Vanella, M. and E. Balaras. 2013. Large-eddy simulation of decaying isotropic turbulence across a grid refinement interface using explicit filtering and reconstruction. Journal of Turbulence 14(12), 58-76. DOI 10.1080/14685248.2013.867964
Zhou, B. and F.K. Chow. 2013. Nighttime turbulent events in a steep valley: a nested large-eddy simulation study. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 70(10), 3262-3276. DOI 10.1175/JAS-D-13-02.1
Mirocha, J.D., Kirkil, G., Bou-Zeid, E., Chow, F.K., and B. Kosovic. 2013. Transition and equilibration of neutral atmospheric boundary layer flow in one-way nested large eddy simulations using the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Monthly Weather Review 141(3), 918-940. DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-11-00263.1
Lundquist, K.A., Chow, F.K., and J.K. Lundquist. 2012. An immersed boundary method enabling large-eddy simulations of complex terrain in the WRF model. Monthly Weather Review 140(12), 3936-3955. DOI 10.1175/MWR-D-11-00311.1
Zhou, B. and F.K. Chow. 2012. Turbulence modeling for the stable atmospheric boundary layer and implications for wind energy. Flow Turbulence and Combustion 88, 255-277. DOI 10.1007/s10494-011-9359-7
Kirkil, G., Mirocha, J.D., Kosovic, B., Lundquist, J.K., Chow, F.K., and E. Bou-Zeid. 2011. Implementation and evaluation of dynamic subfilter-scale stress models for large-eddy simulation using WRF. Monthly Weather Review 140(1), 266-284. 10.1175/MWR-D-11-00037.1
Zhou, B. and F.K. Chow. 2011. Large-eddy simulation of the stable boundary layer with explicit filtering and reconstruction turbulence modeling. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68(9), 2142-2155. DOI:10.1175/2011JAS3693.1
Daniels, M.H., Maxwell, R.M. and F.K. Chow. 2011. An algorithm for flow direction enforcement using sub-grid scale stream location data. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 16, 677. DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000340
Rihani, J., Maxwell, R.M. and F.K. Chow. 2010. Coupling groundwater and land-surface processes: idealized simulations to identify effects of terrain and subsurface heterogeneity on land surface energy fluxes. Water Resources Research 46(12), W12523. DOI:10.1029/2010WR009111
Schmidli, J., Billings, B.J., Chow, F.K., De Wekker, S.F.J., Doyle, J.D., Grubisic, V., Holt, T.R., Jiang, Q., Lundquist, K.A., Sheridan, P., Vosper, S., Whiteman, C.D., Wyszogrodzki, A.A., Zaengl, G. 2010. Intercomparison of mesoscale model simulations of the daytime valley wind system. Monthly Weather Review 139, 1389-1409. DOI:10.1175/2010MWR3523.1
Drechsel, S., Mayr, G.J., Chong, M. and F.K. Chow. 2010. Volume scanning strategies for 3D wind retrieval from dual Doppler lidar measurements. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 27(11), 1881-1892. DOI:10.1175/2010JTECHA1495.1
Lundquist, K.A., Chow, F.K., and J.K. Lundquist. 2010. An immersed boundary method for the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Monthly Weather Review 138(3), 796-817. DOI:10.1175/2009MWR2990.1
Ludwig, F.L., Chow, F.K. and R.L. Street. 2009. Effect of subfilter-scale turbulence models and resolution on resolved velocity structure and momentum fluxes in simulations of neutral boundary layer flow. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48(6), 1161-1180.
Chow, F.K. and R.L. Street. 2009. Evaluation of turbulence closure models for large-eddy simulation over complex terrain: flow over Askervein Hill. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48(5), 1050-1065. DOI: 10.1175/2008JAMC1862.1
Schmidli, J., Poulos, G.S., Daniels, M.H. and F.K. Chow. 2009. External influences on nocturnal thermally driven flows in a deep valley. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 48(1), 3-23.
Michioka, T. and F.K. Chow. 2008. High-resolution large-eddy simulations of scalar transport in atmospheric boundary layer flow over complex terrain. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47(12), 3150-3169. DOI: 10.1175/2008JAMC1941.1
Stacey, M.T., Fram, J.P., and F.K. Chow. 2008. The role of tidally-periodic density stratification in the creation of estuarine subtidal circulation. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans 113, C08016. doi:10.1029/2007JC004581
Grubisic, V., Doyle, J.D., Kuettner, J., Mobbs, S., Smith, R.B., Whiteman, C.D., Dirks, R., Czyzyk, S., Cohn, S.A., Vosper, S., Weissman, M., Haimov, S., De Wekker, S., Pan, L., and F.K. Chow.. 2008. The Terrain-induced Rotor Experiment: An overview of the field campaign and some highlights of special observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89(10), 1513-1533. DOI: 10.1175/2008BAMS2487.1.
Delle Monache, L., Lundquist, J.K., Kosovic, B., Johannesson, G., Dyer, K.M., Aines, R.D., Belles, R.D., Chow, F.K., Hanley, W.G., Larsen, S.C., Loosmore, G.A., Nitao, J.J., Sugiyama, G.A., and P.J. Vogt. 2008. Bayesian inference and Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling to reconstruct a contaminant source at continental scale. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 2600-2613. DOI: 10.1175/2008JAMC1766.1
Lyon, S.W., Dominguez, F., Gochis, D.J., Brunsell, N.A., Castro, C.L., Chow, F.K., Fuka, D., Hong, Y., Kucera, P., Nesbitt, S.W., Fan, Y., Salzmann, N., Schmidli, J., Snyder, P.K., Teuling, A.J., Twine, T.E., Levis, S., Lundquist, J.D., Salvucci, G.D., Sealy, A.M., and M.T. Walter. 2008. Coupling terrestrial and atmospheric water dynamics to improve prediction in a changing environment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 89(9), 1275-1279.
Chow, F.K., Kosovic, B., and S.T. Chan. 2008. Source inversion for contaminant plume dispersion in urban environments using building-resolving simulations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47(6), 1553-1572. DOI: 10.1175/2007JAMC1733.1
Maxwell, R.M., Chow, F.K., and S.J. Kollet. 2007. The groundwater-land-surface-atmosphere connection: soil moisture effects on the atmospheric boundary layer in fully-coupled simulations. Advances in Water Resources 30(12), 2447-2466. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2007.05.018
Weigel, A.P., Chow, F.K., and M.W. Rotach. 2007. On the nature of turbulent kinetic energy in a steep and narrow Alpine valley. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 123, 177-199. DOI10.1007/s10546-006-9142-9
Weigel, A.P., Chow, F.K., and M.W. Rotach. 2006. The effect of mountainous topography on moisture exchange between the “surface” and the free atmosphere. Boundary-Layer Meteorology (Online First) DOI10.1007/s10546-006-9120-2
Chow, F.K., Weigel, A.P., Street, R.L., Rotach, M.W., and M. Xue. 2006. High-resolution large-eddy simulations of flow in a steep Alpine valley. Part I: Methodology, verification, and sensitivity experiments. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 45(1), 63-86.
Weigel, A.P., Chow, F.K., Rotach, M.W., Street, R.L., and M. Xue. 2006. High-resolution large-eddy simulations of flow in a steep Alpine valley. Part II: Flow structure and heat budgets. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 45(1), 87-107.
Chow, F.K., Street, R.L., Xue, M., and J.H. Ferziger. 2005. Explicit filtering and reconstruction turbulence modeling for large-eddy simulation of neutral boundary layer flow. Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 62(7), 2058-2077.
Gullbrand, J. and F.K. Chow. 2003. The effect of numerical errors and turbulence models in large-eddy simulation of channel flow, with and without explicit filtering. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 495, 323-341.
Colette, A., Chow, F.K., and R.L. Street. 2003. A numerical study of inversion layer breakup in idealized valleys and the effects of topographic shading. Journal of Applied Meteorology 42(9), 1255-1272.<1255:ANSOIB>2.0.CO;2
Chow, F.K. and P. Moin. 2003. A further study of numerical errors in large-eddy simulation. Journal of Computational Physics 184(2), 366-380.
Katopodes, F.V., Barber, J.R., and Y. Shan. 2001. Torsional deformation of an endoscope probe. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A, 457(2014), 2491-2506.
Katopodes, F.V., McKinley, G.H., and H.A. Stone. 2001. Experimental demonstration of peristaltic transport at high (dimensionless) frequencies. Appendix C of: Peristaltically driven channel flows with applications toward micromixing, by K.P. Selverov and H.A. Stone. Physics of Fluids 13(7), 1837.
Katopodes, F.V., Davis, A.M.J., and H.A. Stone. 2000. Piston flow in a two-dimensional channel. Physics of Fluids 12(5), 1240.
Invited Papers
Chow, F.K. and B. Zhou. 2010. Atmospheric turbulence modeling and implications for wind energy. 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, 8 pages.
Chow, F.K. and R.L. Street. 2005. Large-eddy simulation at scales ranging from laboratory channels to valley winds in the atmosphere: subfilter-scale model effects. Proceedings of 2005 Annual Meeting, Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics, pp. 23-28 (paper#AM05-KN-004).
Chow, F.K. and R.L. Street. 2004. Explicit filtering and reconstruction turbulence modeling for large-eddy simulations of field-scale flows. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Hydro-Science and Engineering.
Contributed Papers
Wiersema, D.J., Lundquist, K.A. and F. K. Chow. 2018. Development of a multi-scale modeling framework for urban simulations in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Paper 8A.7. 23rd Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 19 pages.
Shi, X., Chow, F.K., Street, R.L. and G.H. Bryan. 2017. Simulation of stratocumulus and deep convective clouds with the dynamic reconstruction turbulence closure. Paper 10.2. 17th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, American Meteorological Society, 11 pages.
Arthur, R.S., Lundquist, K.A., Mirocha, J.D., Hoch, S.W., and F.K. Chow. 2016. High-resolution simulations of downslope flows over complex terrain using WRF-IBM. Paper 7.6. 17th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 18 pages.
Bao, J., Lundquist, K.A., and F.K. Chow. 2016. Comparison of three different implementations of the immersed boundary method in WRF (WRF-IBM). Paper 4B.5. 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 11 pages.
Wiersema, D.J., K.A., Lundquist and F.K. Chow. 2014. Enabling multi-scale simulations in WRF through vertical grid nesting. Paper 9B.5. 21st Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 9 pages.
Simon, J.S., K.A. Lundquist, and F.K. Chow. 2012. Application of the immersed boundary method to simulations of flow over steep, mountainous terrain. Paper 45. 15th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 9 pages.
Goodfriend, L., Chow, F.K., Vanella, M., and E. Balaras. 2012. Large-eddy simulation across a grid refinement interface using explicit filtering and reconstruction. Paper J4.3. 20th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 7 pages.
Lundquist, K.A., Chow, F.K., and J.K. Lundquist. 2010. Numerical errors in flow over of steep topography: analysis and alternatives. Paper 10.1. 14th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 19 pages.
Enriquez, R.M., Chow, F.K., Street, R.L., and F.L. Ludwig. 2010. Examination of the linear algebraic subgrid-scale stress [LASS] model, combined with reconstruction of the subfilter-scale stress, for large-eddy simulation of the neutral atmospheric boundary layer. Paper 3A.3. 19th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 8 pages.
Lundquist, K.A., Chow, F.K., and J.K. Lundquist. 2010. Accurate wind characterization in complex terrain using the immersed boundary method. 5th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Chapel Hill, NC, 9 pages.
Marjanovic, N., Chow, F.K., and J.K. Lundquist. 2010. Nested mesoscale to large-eddy simulations for wind energy applications. 5th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Chapel Hill, NC, 8 pages.
Chow, F.K., Granvold, P.W. and C.M. Oldenburg. 2009. Modeling the effects of topogra phy and wind on atmospheric dispersion of CO2 surface leakage at geologic carbon sequestration sites. Energy Procedia 1, 1925-1932 (Proceedings of GHGT9 conference, Nov. 16-20, 2008, Washington DC)
Lundquist, K.A., Chow, F.K., and J.K. Lundquist. 2008. An immersed boundary method for flow over complex terrain. Paper 9A.5. 13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 10 pages.
Schmidli, J., Billings, B.J., Burton, R., Chow, F.K., De Wekker, S.F.J., Doyle, J.D., Grubisic, V., Holt, T.R., Jiang, Q., Lundquist*, K.A., Ross, A.N., Savage, L.C., Sheridan, P., Vosper, S., Whiteman, C.D., Wyszogrodzki, A.A., Zaengl, G. and S. Zhong. 2008. The T-REX valley wind model intercomparison project. Paper 5B.1. 13th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 11 pages.
Lundquist, K.A., Chow, F.K., Lundquist, J.K., and J.D. Mirocha. 2008. Imposing land-surface fluxes at an immersed boundary for improved simulations of atmospheric flow over complex terrain. Paper 10A.7. 18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 15 pages.
Daniels, M.H., Chow, F.K., and R.M. Maxwell. 2008. Providing high-resolution surface conditions using a coupled land-surface groundwater model: effects on atmospheric boundary layer simulations over Owens Valley, CA. Paper 11A.1. 18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 9 pages.
Ludwig, F.L., Chow, F.K., and R.L. Street. 2008. The need for caution when interpreting velocity field structures predicted by LES. Paper 11B.3. 18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 14 pages.
Lundquist, J.K., Chow, F.K., Mirocha, J.D. and K.A. Lundquist. 2007. An improved WRF for urban-scale and complex-terrain applications. Paper 4.4. 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society, 6 pages.
Lundquist, K.A., Chow, F.K., Lundquist, J.K., and J.D. Mirocha. 2007. Development of an immersed boundary method to resolve complex terrain in the Weather Research and Forecasting model. Paper 11.1 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society, 10 pages.
Mirocha, J.D., Chow, F.K., Lundquist, J.K., and K.A. Lundquist. 2007. Improved subfilter turbulence modeling for large eddy simulation using WRF. Paper 13.1 7th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society, 4 pages.
Daniels, M.H., Chow, F.K., and G.S. Poulos. 2006. Effects of soil moisture initialization on simulations of atmospheric boundary layer evolution in Owens Valley. Paper 7.2. 12th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 8 pages.
Ludwig, F.L., Chow, F.K., and R.L. Street. 2006. Effects of sub-filter scale turbulence models on velocity structure in simulations of neutral boundary-layer flow. Paper 4.4. 17th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 12 pages.
Chow, F.K., Kollet, S.J., Maxwell, R.M., and Q. Duan. 2006. Effects of soil moisture heterogeneity on boundary layer flow with coupled groundwater, land-surface, and mesoscale atmospheric modeling. Paper 5.6. 17th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 6 pages.
Chow, F.K., Kosovic, B., and S.T. Chan. 2006. Source inversion for dispersion in urban environments using building-resolving simulations and Bayesian inference with stochastic sampling. Paper J4.4. 6th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society, 9 pages.
Wissink, A.M., Kosovic, B., Chand, K., Berger, M., Gunney, B., Kapfer, C., and F.K. Chow. 2006. Adaptive Urban Dispersion Integrated Model. Paper J4.7. 6th Symposium on the Urban Environment, American Meteorological Society, 8 pages.
Weigel, A.P., Chow, F.K., Rotach, M.W., and R.L. Street. 2005. The nature of turbulent kinetic energy in a deep and narrow valley under convective (?) conditions. Paper O.1.3. 27th International Conference on Alpine Meteorology (ICAM) and MAP-Meeting 2005, 4 pages.
Chow, F.K. and R.L. Street. 2004. Evaluation of turbulence models for large-eddy simulations of flow over Askervein Hill. Paper 7.11. 16th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 8 pages.
Fedorovich, E., Conzemius, R., Esau, I., Chow, F.K., Lewellen, D.C., Moeng, C.-H., Pino, D., Sullivan, P.P., and J. Vila. 2004. Entrainment into sheared convective boundary layers as predicted by different large eddy simulation codes. Paper P4.7. 16th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, American Meteorological Society, 14 pages.
Chow, F.K., Weigel, A.P., Street, R.L., Rotach, M.W., and M. Xue. 2004. High-resolution large-eddy simulations of the Riviera Valley: methodology and sensitivity studies. Paper 6.2. 11th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 8 pages.
Weigel, A.P., Chow, F.K., Rotach, M.W., Street, R.L., and M. Xue. 2004. High-resolution large-eddy simulations of the Riviera Valley: assessment of the flow structures and the heat and moisture budgets. Paper 6.4. 11th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, 6 pages.
Gullbrand, J. and F.K. Chow. 2002. Investigation of the effects of numerical errors, subfilter-scale models, and subgrid-scale models in turbulent channel flow simulations. Proceedings of the Summer Program, Center for Turbulence Research, Stanford University and NASA Ames, 87-104.
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