One Pagers
These one-page handouts provide key information and talking points around improving air quality for the Stockton community. Click here for Spanish versions!
- Warehouses
- Emissions at the Port of Stockton
- Truck emissions and the Crosstown Freeway
- Agricultural burning
- Harmful algal blooms
- Indoor air quality
Articles and websites
- Air pollution is here for the holidays in Stockton – CARB Environmental Justice Blog, November 27, 2023, also in Spanish, and Tagalog
- Indoor air quality – buying guide for air purifiers and filters – hosted by the Environmental Justice Program of Catholic Charities, Diocese of Stockton (click “Your Local Air”)
- StoryMaps on air pollution and climate change for Stockton and San Joaquin Valley from CE 105 in 2021, 2022, 2024
- Bay Area weather phenomena explained – hosted by The View at the Lawrence Hall of Science (San Francisco Bay webcam, click “Bay Weather Phenomena”)
Outreach events
November: Approximately 30 CEE students, from undergraduates to postdoctoral scholars, went to Stockton for an educational outreach event focused on air quality. We visited eight science classes, five at Fillmore and three at Merlo Institute of Environmental Technology, reaching over 200 middle and high school students.
April: For Stockton Unified School District’s 2024 Earth Day celebration, students from CE 105 and from the environmental engineering MS/PhD program, including Dr. Cesunica Ivey’s lab, teamed up with Stockton families to build and distribute 120 box fan air purifiers. Kids and adults helped transform an ordinary box fan into an air purifier, by attaching a MERV-13 air filter using weatherstripping, glue, cardboard, and rubber bands. See a short video about this SUSD event!

We teamed up with Edison High School students in Stockton for our first ever DIY air purifier build and distribution event in April 2022! We built and distributed 120 box fan air purifiers to the Stockton AB 617 community on Earth Day. Read the details here. At a second event held in September 2022, an additional 125 box fan air purifiers were built in partnership with students at All Saints Academy in Stockton and distributed to their families – see article here.