CE 105 – Spring 2022

During Spring 2022, 12 teams of UC Berkeley undergraduate engineering students took part in a community-engaged design course entitled CE 105 Design for Global Transformation. Student teams were challenged to research, imagine, and design strategies to help the Stockton AB 617 community reduce air pollution and tackle climate change. A few teams also tackled statewide challenges related to methane leaks, HFC leaks, and open agricultural burning.

Please read the student StoryMaps below which share the main findings! A big thank you to all the community members who contributed so much to this work, especially from Little Manila Rising, Restore the Delta, Edge Collaborative, and Catholic Charities of Stockton! We are also very thankful for our partners from IGSD! We welcome questions, comments, and feedback! Please email tinakc@berkeley.edu.

Course instructors: Prof. Tina Katopodes Chow, Casey Finnerty, Jenn Hoody, Rebecca Sugrue

Read the StoryMaps

Click on the images or links to see the StoryMaps. Further details can be found in the final reports and video presentations (by request) linked for each project below.

[Note: there are a lot of images in the StoryMaps – if they don’t load, try scrolling up and down again to give the browser a chance to load, or check your browser settings and try again. If you get a pop-up asking you to login to ArcGIS, just hit ‘cancel’.]